A Senior Show website was not exactly what we had initially envisioned as the platform to display our final projects. Much time, dedication, and long nights were spent over the past year creating pieces of artwork to display to Furman and the Greenville community in a gallery opening for all to see. However, COVID-19 had other plans for us.
Beyond These Walls showcases the work of 13 artists who have grown and matured over their 4 years at Furman University. Our pieces display that we are capable of producing work and dreaming beyond the spaces that we have been confined to. These spaces can be Furman itself, our mental capacities, and even the small areas of our homes we have been trapped in during this time. Our hope is that in viewing our personal work is that you too dare to dream and think beyond the limitations, spaces, and strongholds that you think you are confined in. You may just find that you are much freer than you think.